Kilo 23 Gas Street, No. four Margham
Alexandria Cairo Desert Road
Mobile: 011 508 810 80 - 0127 477 6008

Lets Talk
If you want more information, fill in this form
We will get back to you as soon as possible
Kilo 23 Gas Street, No. four Margham
Alexandria Cairo Desert Road
Mobile: 011 508 810 80 - 0127 477 6008
If you want more information, fill in this form
We will get back to you as soon as possible
Nobel Chemicals Company is specialized
in The field of multi-purpose chemicals,
paints production and distribution
Head Quarter
Kilo 23 Gas Street, No. four Margham
Alexandria Cairo Desert Road
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile: 011 508 810 80 - 0127 477 6008